Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Relationship rules according to men

Relationship rules according to men

1. His past stays exactly that
Many of us are guilty of hanging on to past relationships. We throw out clothes we have hardly worn and buy handbags we may never use but when it comes to old boyfriends we seem to find it very difficult to let go. It would do us good to adopt the male view when entering into a new relationship. It is the case with most men that their past relationships won’t ruin their future happiness and they are unlikely to commit the ultimate relationship sin that a lot of women do - compare you to his previous partner. So keep your eye firmly on the future as no good can ever come of living in the past.
2. His relationship stays off of Facebook
New-born babies and toddlers with their breakfast over their faces are all acceptable (if slightly tedious) Facebook posts, but continual relationship updates displaying public displays of affection or who won custody of the TV remote last night are simply dull. Take the lead from your man and use Facebook as a vehicle to vent your anger over the banal and irrelevant events in life, like last night’s football results for example.
3. He’ll pay for many things but not everything
Take advantage of his generosity and you could find yourself back on the single’s shelf quicker than you can say “cheque please!” He may refuse your generosity on several occasions but just sometimes he will let you pay for date night. Even if he insists on covering costs, it is the thought that counts and often this is worth much more.
4. He won’t compete against you
Women can be just as competitive as men; particularly with other women. Whether it is career paths or who bags the latest Prada ‘It’ tote first, we all hanker to be better than the next woman and it’s exhausting. If you find that your new partner treats everything as a competition, ditch him immediately. It is important to have aspirations but the right man should only ever want the best for you; not just for himself.
5. He won’t let his relationship affect his friendships
No matter how hard we try, most women end up seeing less of their friends when they get a new man. Your good friends will totally understand but approach this pitfall with caution. Leave it too long between making time for your girlfriends and you could find that they simply stop inviting you out. Take the opportunity to meet up with the girls when it suits you; after all, it is rare that your new date will give up his boy’s nights out.

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